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Digital Temperature Sensor

temperature sensor ICs offer digital output temperature sensor ICs that output a digital signal corresponding to the temperature, analog output
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Digital Temperature Sensor

Introduction Digital Temperature Sensor:

ABLIC’s temperature sensor ICs offer digital output temperature sensor ICs that output a digital signal corresponding to the temperature, analog output temperature sensor ICs that output an analog voltage corresponding to the temperature, or temperature switch ICs (thermostat ICs) when output a H/L signal corresponding to the temperature. We support the temperature monitoring or control of equipment with an extensive lineup of products featuring high accuracy, ultra-low current consumption, or high-temperature operation. The temperature data detected in S-5852A could be digitally output to the MCU in high-resolution 0.0625°C. Moreover, system resetting at a set temperature is also possible due to the thermostat function. The output is inverted when if the ambient temperature of the device reaches the IC’s set temperature. Constant monitoring operation is available independent of the microcontroller, realizing temperature protection and temperature management with a simple circuit configuration

A digital temperature sensor is an electronic device that measures the temperature of its environment and provides a digital output representing that temperature. Digital temperature sensors typically use a temperature-sensitive element such as a thermistor or a resistance temperature detector (RTD) to measure the temperature and then convert that measurement into a digital signal that can be read. Temperature sensors belong to a class of electronic components called transducers. A thermistor transducer could sense heat and respond resistively to thermodynamic change either by a positive or negative coefficient of friction, depending on its design. The charge referenced in the type describes how it is resistance heads that temperature increases. Temperature sensors fall into 3 categories — electronic, resistive, or electromechanical. Some types of temperature sensors must be in direct contact with a physical body’s heat to perform their utility. Others measure radiation or Resistive RTDs (Resistive Temperature Detectors) sense temperature to high precision degrees over that of thermistors, reaching desirable linear response via PTC. Despite their precision in arriving at temperature measurement, they are not very effective at indicating slight temperature variation, meaning that you wouldn’t want to track temperature change at great speed with the RTD.


  1. Levels: 0-5 Volt
  2. Power: 12 Volt
  3. Type: 5 kOhm
  4. wireresistance: 3.3 Ohm
digital temperature sensor

Circuit Operation:

The temperature sensor circuit exists within the heat for the sensor. It notifies one when temperature increases and exceeds a particular value with the help of a flashing LED or a buzzer. We can say, it works as a warning alarm device, e.g., in the smoke detector alarm. A resistance temperature detector or a thermocouple uses an electrical signal to give centigrade temperature readings. Temperature-sensing circuits are everywhere in today’s digital world, from computers to high-tech kitchen appliances. They are necessary since excessive heat has the potential to damage an expensive component in an electronic device. Heat sensors are also vital in an improv security system.

A simple temperature sensor in the circuit typically serves the purpose of sensing the heat around it. The functioning of the temperature meter depends on the output of the voltage that passes across the diode meaning temperature change is directly proportional to the diode's resistance. The higher the temperature is, the more excellent the opposition will be, and vice versa. You could adjust the threshold level using the variable resistor. The diagram below represents a basic heat sensor in the circuit diagram that utilizes a Negative Temperature Coefficient type thermistor. The NTC is responsible for a decrease in resistance of the value when the temperature rises. This video has further information concerning the NTC or how to test it.

digital temperature sensor circuit operation

The transistor BC57 turns on the buzzer whenever the heat exceeds the set range of temperatures and turns it off when the heat falls below the limits.The transistor’s base gets bias from the battery with the thermistor along with the variable resistor. The buzzer, on the other hand, connects to the output of the transistor. The switch turns on the circuit. This detector uses 2 heat-sensitive thermocouples 1 monitors heat transfer by convection and radiation, and the other monitors heat from the environment. The heat detector will operate regardless of the starting temperature, and the temperature rises from 12° to 15°F per minute. If there is a possibility of determining the type of heat detector threshold value, we can operate the detector in low-temperature fire conditions.

There are various types of temperature sensors depending on their characteristics. A temperature sensor senses the heat coming from a system or allows us to feel physical change due to temperature coming from a digital and analog signal. The basic sensor types are; contact temperature sensor types- they need to be in physical contact with the object to detect liquid, solid, or gas over a wide range via conduction. Non-contact Temperature Sensor Types– detects temperature change using radiation or convection. It can use infrared radiation to see the gas and liquid that radiates. The transistor BC547 would function as a heat sensor. As there is an increase in the temperature of the p-n junction the transistor starts partially conducting.

The Diode 1N4148 and one-ohm variable resistor help set a threshold for heat sensitivity. You could rotate the knob if you want to adjust the sensitivity. When temperature increases past the threshold level, the collector current increases, affecting the LED to start lighting slowly. You would set the variable resistor before you start testing the circuit. Rotating the knob entirely in 1 direction would turn off the LED, and turning it to the opposite direction lights the LED. Hence set the potentiometer in the position where the slight rotation starts illumination. The junction voltage is a function of current density. We could obtain a similar to voltage output by operating the 2 junctions at the same current. Further information about this formula is available here. The Base-Emitter voltage (VBE) drops by approximately -2.5 mV/°C. That means that there is a drop in voltage between B and E. If we short the base, an NPN transistor would short (2) or collector (1), acting as a diode. In that case, 2 or 1 would serve as a positive terminal while 3 acts as a negative terminal. If we maintain the voltage of the source, the voltage will become the function of the temperature across the transistor.

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How The Digital Temperature Sensor Work:

How The Digital temperature Sensor Works: Thermocouples measure temperature by making use of a probe constructed by joining 2 different metals together to form a junction at 1 end to which a voltmeter is connected at the other end. The end of the probe called the hot junction (where the metals are joined) is used to contact the object whose temperature is being measured while the other end of the probe called the cold junction is sitting at a reference temperature. A potential difference in Volts recorded on the voltmeter will be present whose value proportionally represents the temperature difference between the hot and cold junctions of the thermocouple. Most thermocouple is covered in a protective sheath to isolate the metals from the ambient temperature or to provide some degree of protection against corrosion. Sheath materials include 1316 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel, and Inconel 600 examples. Depending on the specific of the metals used to fabricate the thermocouple the devices are assigned a letter type such as Type J, K, T, N, E, B, R, or S. Each of these types has specific characteristics relating to it is temperature range, vibration resistance, chemical compatibility, or applications. Base metal couples are types J, K, T, & E, and are the most common. So-called Noble metal thermocouples are types R, S, and B. Table 1 below lists the various types of thermocouples or their metal composition.

Thermocouples in the junctions are available in several styles the most common being grounded thermocouples. In this style of thermocouple, both the metal the wire, and the sheath are welded together to form a single junction at the probe tip. This leads to very rapid response times because of the good thermal connection and the trade-off is a greater susceptibility to electrical interference as the sheath or thermocouple wire is bonded together providing an increased pathway into the device. Unground thermocouples do not have the sheath welded to the thermocouple wires but are isolated using an insulator. So-called bare wire thermocouples expose the thermocouple in the wire directly at the probe, which provides rapid response times for the device but also increases the risk of corrosion or device degradation resulting from the exposed junction. An uncommon ungrounded thermocouple is 1 in that a dual thermocouple arrangement is used with the sheath isolated from the thermocouple wires or each thermocouple is isolated from the other as well. For more on this sensor check out our guide on types of thermocouples.

change in the electrical resistance when occurs in a conductive material to establish a value for the temperature. Conductors of electricity, such as metal, exhibit electrical resistance which is a measure of the relative ease with which electrical current will flow through the conductor when a given voltage or potential difference is applied. As the temperature changes the electrical resistance that is measured in Ohms, also changes, with higher temperatures resulting in an increase in resistance. RTDs consist of a resistive in an element through which a small electrical current is passed, typically in the range of one to five milliamp, and the resistance is measured. Any temperature changes would alter the value of the resistance measured, which could be equated to a temperature of the value by knowing the properties of the materials used for the resistive element. Platinum is a metal of choice used in RTDs owing to the fact that it is highly stable, is chemically inert, can function over a large range of temperatures, or exhibits a very strong linear relationship in it is resistance and temperature. This last characteristic simplifies the process of converting the electrical resistance into temperature readings. Other choices for resistive elements in RTDs include Nickel and Copper. The material used in RTDs is specified by it is temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), which is a measure of how the electrical resistance of the material changes with respect to a one-degree change in temperature. Metals and electrically conductive materials exhibit a positive value of TCR, while semiconductors and non-metallic substances exhibit a negative TCR, meaning that they become less resistive with increases in temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a digital temperature sensor work?

Temperature sensors work by providing readings via electrical signals. Sensors are composed of 2 metals that generate an electrical voltage and resistance that a temperature change occurs by measuring the voltage across the diode terminals. When the voltage in an increases, the temperature also increases.

Which temperature sensor is the fastest?

Sensitivity: While both sensor types respond quickly to temperature changes, thermocouples are faster.

Which temperature sensor has the best accuracy?

An RTD is more linear than a thermocouple or thermistor and is the most accurate and reliable temperature sensor. RTDs typically have an accuracy of 0.1°C, compared to 1°C for most. Some thermocouple versions are capable of matching the precision provided by the RTD sensor.

What is the basic sensor principle?

Underling the sensing principles are the physical principles such as electromagnetism, harmonic vibrations, piezoelectricity, and others which allow the conversion of one type of energy into another.

Where is the temperature sensor used?

There are Temperature Sensor applications in the industry including medical, motorsport, HVAC, agriculture, industrial, aerospace, and automotive.

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