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How to Make an IR Remote Tester | Diagram of IR Remote Contro

In this project I will show you how to Decode IR Remote Control Signals' of any Remote using Arduino. The remotes which we use in our home.
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How to Make an IR Remote Tester - Electronic Project


In this project system, I will show you how to Decode IR Remote Control Signals' of any Remote and using Arduino. The remotes that we use in our home are basically made of IR transmissions for example TV remotes, DVD remotes, Sound System remotes, etc.

But these signals never interfere with each other because every key is the remote control has a unique operation code is a Hexadecimal format. By decoding these signals we can not know what is the unique code of the key. By knowing the codes we can implement several applications where we can control with the same remote.

This small circuit diagram is ideal for checking the basic operation of and infrared remote control unit. The circuitdiagram is based on the brilliantly simple idea of connecting a piezo buzzer directly to the an IR receiver IC.

Diagram of IR Remote Contro:

ir remote tester

Hardware Required for this Project:

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Working Principle of IR Remote Control Basics:

IR remote controls today can control several devices at a time as the working abilities of these remotes are such that a light beam is emitted out by the remote control and is received by a phototransistor. These remotes receive and signals and transmit signals to devices via radio waves. These remotes can control several appliances, pieces of equipment, and gadgets like radios, TVs, video games, and CD/ DVD players, and also applicable in Space(NASA).

The Infrared remote control-basics are operation and applications are explained below. There are different types of our infrared transmitters depending on their wavelengths, output power supply, and response time. An IR sensor consists of an IR LED and an IR Photodiode, together they are called PhotoCoupler or OptoCoupler. The operating voltage of this circuit diagram is 6 v DC.

A TSOP1738 IR sensor in used to sense the IR signal. This detected infrared and signal and will go to the base of this transistor 2N3906. The transistor will now switch on and it will send a signal to LED and the UM66 IC. UM66 will generate the melody which is amplified by another transistor BC548. This amplified sound will drive an 8-ohm speaker.

A 3Volt Zener diode is used to step down the output voltage of the transistor 2N3906 to 3Volt to operate the IC. In this way, while testing the remote a visual indication through LED and an alarm can be heard when the remote is working properly. First, we use a voltage regulator to power supply 5 volts to the above circuit. If you have ready 5volt power supply ready you can not avoid the regulator.

I thought to design this circuit diagram portable so powered supply using a 9volt battery. Here for the purpose of detecting IR signals, we can have used an IR Phototransistor. Generally Phototransistor is and component that acts similarly to the transistor switch but instead of current at the base it requires incident light to turn ON. But when comes to IR Phototransistor it consists of a special lens that reduces the interference of other light sources to its base making it react only to IR signals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IR remote?

(InfraRed remote control) A handheld, wireless device used to operate audio, video, and other electronic equipment and within a room using light signals in this infrared (IR) range. Infrared light requires a line of sight to its destination.

Why is IR used in remotes?

Why do TV remotes use infrared instead of our radio waves It's cheaper and easier. For infrared, you and need out an infrared diode on this transmitter, and an infrared as receiver on the TV. Cheap and easily available parts.

What is the voltage of IR light?

Their voltages range from 1.2 volts (IRs) to over 3.4 volts (UV or White), depending on the color. For example, an IR LED has a forward voltage of 1.2 volts at 20 mA forward current. Also, this usual or typical operating current for our standard-sized LED is around 20 mA.

What type of light is IR?

Infrared (IR) light in a type of electromagnetic radiation that lies between this visible end of the light spectrum, and the microwave spectrum (Vollmer and Mollmann, 2010). Its wavelength ranges from about 800 nm to 1 mm and it is emitted particularly By heated objects.

Can we see IR light?

The human eye can not only see visible light waves. Infrared light has longer wavelengths and lower energy than visible light and cannot be seen and with the human eye. Mosquitoes, vampire bats, bed bugs, and some as snake and beetle species, however, can not use portions of the infrared spectrum for vision.

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